Mindfully Stepping into a New Year

This is my favorite New Year tradition. If you have been in my community, you know that I have been practicing this ritual for years! And if you are new to me, welcome!

Grab your journal, your favorite drink and get cozy…

Grounding myself with a word or short phrase, also known as my power intention, is one of the most powerful tools I practice, year after year. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with all of the individual "things" I could do in 2022, it helps to create a personal statement that supports me when making decisions, creating priorities and shifting my mindset. I use my power intention to take action. Whenever I feel stuck, I re-ground into my power intention to help guide the way.

Do you have your own ritual? If not, selecting an empowering word or phrase is a great way to clarify and prioritize your desires and wants -- supporting you living and loving your life.

My 2021 power intention was “Rays of Light and Trust.” These words helped me navigate troubling times and create inner strength and powerful results in my life. Tapping into the power and wisdom of these words helped me feel like I had superpowers this last year. “Rays of Light” was a powerful practice for me to look for the light in situations. To be the light in situations and to help spread light around the world. Rays of Light symbolized sunshine, warmth, healing, being seen, bright, happy, hope, possibilities, expansion and abundance.

Trust has been part of my power intention for the last two years, and in 2021, I focused on building trust within myself. This looked like trusting my gut/intuition, feeling more confident when navigating new situations, gently pushing myself to drive (yes, I am a New Yorker still getting comfortable with driving) and making decisions in my business and life. I am grateful to have my power intention this last year to keep me centered and focused. I full-heartedly believe that my power intention helped me cultivate powerful results in 2021. I feel more connected to my family and relationships. I feel healthy, and I have created the biggest impact with my clients and financial growth.

As I look into the new year, my power intention for 2022 has two pillars: BOLD & Love. These words came to me through this reflection practice I have below. I am craving some big BOLD energy in myself in 2022.  I have a confident, strong base, and I am excited to be BOLD in my thinking, actions and asks from this place. I am excited to play bigger this year, playing out of the box and giving myself permission to not only trust my instincts but act on them with clarity. BOLD to me means being assertive (not aggressive), risk-taking, taking a stand and doing the unexpected. 

Staying connected to Love helps me live and be from the heart instead of my head. I get to choose Love in how I show up in conversations, how I treat others, and the energy I want to contribute to the world. Love for me means warmth, care, respect, nourishment, hydration, best intentions and generosity. These words together help me feel balanced and connected to who I want to be and how I want to live in 2022.


As I set my power intention for a new year, I get to pay attention to what BOLD & Love feel like in my body, what activities help me tap into these words and how I get to choose my power intention on a daily basis. These words get to be the lens through which I experience life over the next 12 months. How exciting!!!

Now it’s your turn. What is your one word or phrase you want to embrace in this new decade as your power intention?

To support your reflection process, walk through these steps and see what you discover:

1.  Journal the prompts below:

  • What are you celebrating from 2021? Where do you see some gaps?

  • How do you want to feel in 2022? (Describe in full detail)

  • What would your life look like if you gave yourself full permission to do, to be or to say anything?

2. Reflect on what you just wrote, and circle all of the words that stand out to you. Now, narrow it down to one, two or three words (no more than that or it just turns into a laundry list). Pay attention to what word(s) support how you want to feel and be in 2022.

3. Ask yourself: Does this word (or words) create an empowering phrase for me? If yes, you got your power intention for 2022!

If not, narrow your word choice down by closing your eyes and breathing each word in and out. Notice which word stands out to you the most and note whether it brings you tingles, opens your heart, creates some fire in your belly or makes you smile. What word(s) help inspire the year you want to live? These are typically signs that you discovered something meaningful.

4. Now, create a visual for your power intention. Whether is it a fancy drawing or a post-it note, place a visual of your power intention where you will see it on a daily basis.

Take note as the perfect word or words come alive for you! Please share! (in-person, email, social media, snaps, grams, by phone, or in the comments below!) 

If you did this activity last year, take a moment to reflect and connect. See what dots aligned and what you might want to do differently this upcoming year.

5. Use it or lose it. Let's start integrating your power intention into your life right away. Join me for my Intention Setting Party workshop to help you take your Power Intention to the next level.


January 23rd @ 1:30pm PST- 5:30pm PST. Learn more and Sign Up Here.