Navigating Curve Balls

Life just threw my family and me a big curveball that is inviting me to bring my mindfulness practice into play in a big way.

Keeping details aside, there are shifting tides happening that spark a lot of anxiety and uncertainty within me. Anxiety that ignites traumatic flashbacks of my sense of security being rocked in past waves that life has brought my way (ie. navigating the medical world, almost losing health insurance etc). 

I had this realization that if this rupture occurred years ago, some sort of 'nervous system collapse' would have been part of my reaction due to overwhelming fear and anxiety. I would have turned into an anxious puddle of frozen tears – not able to think clearly or take wise action. 

However, over the last few weeks, I have paused to recognize and celebrate how my mind and body are meeting this rupture of life in a whole new way. I can physically feel both the fear and anxiety within me while also acknowledging the capacity to stay present, trusting, strong and loving. I can feel the gift of my meditation and mindfulness practice keeping me grounded in equanimity.

All of the inner and outer work that I put into managing my emotions, regulating my nervous system, practicing relational mindfulness and staying consistent with my rituals is giving me the capacity to show up in this “wave” of life to surf instead of drown. 

I share this insight and experience with you because I want you to know firsthand that the inner and outer work pays off! If we make it a priority. It isn’t fluff, woo-woo sh*t or BS. These are essential life skills we need because we can’t learn how to swim in a tsunami. 

This is why I am so passionate about supporting people creating their own toolbox of internal resources so they too know how to surf the uncertain waves of life with more ease and capacity. 

Surfing the waves of uncertainty is definitely still unpleasant and anxiety-provoking, but my practice is helping me meet each moment, moment-to-moment with love, curiosity and trust so that I can think more clearly instead of reacting from fear. I can see this wave as more of an adventure than a scary patch of quicksand. 

On a macro level, our world continues to navigate uncertainty. There is a lot of fear about what’s going to happen to the stock market, the job market, female reproductive rights etc. Learning to navigate uncertainty with clarity and ease begins by finding our feet and creating a sense of grounding.

If you are familiar with chakra work, this first stage is all about connecting to your root chakra and working with a foundation of security, safety and balancing your nervous system responses. 

Feeling myself and my family navigate this new unexpected wave reminds me why I created Centered in the City. Learning how to navigate the unknowns, stay connected to oneself and feel more confident and grounded is how we get to stay “centered” in our modern days lives.