Savor Family Time


I just returned from an extremely privileged two week vacation where the primary theme was family. My husband and I traveled to Italy to celebrate my dad’s 75th birthday, visited London to see my aunt, uncle and cousins and, finally, we soaked up nephew time in New York City for Thanksgiving. 


The theme that I reflect on post this journey is how precious time is. I have already learned the preciousness of time when I was diagnosed with cancer almost 10 years ago, but I am now reconnecting to it in a whole new light. Instead of time being scarce and holding my belief that there isn’t enough time in life because it can be too short, I am focusing on the gift of time. No matter how long we live, there are many opportunities for special moments and memories. 


I share this theme because many of us may travel home or visit family during the holiday season and have an opportunity to connect to important people in our lives. This time we get to spend with them can truly be precious. I know I used to take Thanksgiving and holiday celebrations for granted. I assumed they would always be there with the same cast of characters. But that isn’t the case. As everything in life, change is constant. As events and people change, there might be a tendency to get upset as we see our parents age, relatives faced with illness or family members act differently than our memories tell us. I welcome you to practice savoring the moment because even if your time with this person isn’t ideal, it is still a moment and opportunity you have to be with them.


During my family trip, anytime I felt myself want to detach, withdraw or zone-out, I reengaged with the present moment. I’d ditch my phone in the other room and let curiosity be a gateway to be present and build meaningful face-to-face connection time. Asking simple questions about my dad’s childhood or my uncle’s relationship to my grandmother were all stories I would never have known if I wasn’t curious and in the present moment, able to listen and soak them in.


As you celebrate the holidays this year, who are the people you want to truly connect with? What questions or experiences do you want to share with them? Remember that time is precious, so go for it! Take advantage of the memories you get to make this holiday season. Enjoy the ordinary just as much as the extraordinary.